Alex Coutinho

Join Master Samba Professor Alex Coutinho on his Electrifying United States Tour 2024!"

Alex Coutinho 2024 Tour Locations


April 24th - April 29th

San Francisco

April 29th - May 6th and May 23rd - May 27th

Contact: Mayela Carrasco

Instagram: @mayela.carrasco

San Diego

May 6th - May 8th

Instagram: @unidosatlanta

Los Angeles



Washington D.C.

North Carolina


New York City

May 31st - June 4th

Website: Coming Soon

Instagram: @buxxy

May 21st - May 23rd

May 28th - May 30th

May 12th - May 16th

May 17th - May 19th

May 19th - May 21st

May 9th - May 12th

Contact: Ernesto

Contact: Mafe

Contact: Coming Soon

Contact: Sophia B.

Contact: Brenda Codner

Phone: 1-469-867-1618

Phone: 1-608-556-2958

Instagram: @UDASamba

Instagram: @maferodrigo

Instagram: @miamibloco and @bcodoner

Contact Us